
Watching TV Can Do Strange Things to Your Mind

When we get tired of gardening and writing and looking for work, one of the things we do is watch TV. And we have lotsa cable now, so it is amazing the things we find. Our most recent find, last Sunday afternoon, is Cake Boss on TLC. Seen it? Ha-larious New York Italian family baking amazing cakes. They had me at "Forget about it."

And I am so jealous of everyone who gets to be on Yard Crashers. This landscaper named Ahmed hangs around at home improvement stores, looking for someone who is trying to fix something with their backyard with too few resources, convinces them he really wants to help (which is apparently hard to do - lots of people turn him down) and then he follows this lucky person home and completely remodels their whole yard. I AM SO JEALOUS!

But the hardest part of TV for me right now is the new series of Prius commercials. You know, the ones where weird people are dressed up as nature and dance around or whatever it is they do? All I can think is, "Soylent Green is people! Tell everyone!" And then I shiver. Go here if you really want to know what I'm talking about - but be warned: this is 1970's sci fi at its most ...umm... horrifically cheesy. There are certainly many things to miss about the 70's. :) Do you know the secret of Soylent Green? (Hint: I already told you.)

And if that was too weird for you, here is a video of a pug pushing a pink baby stroller around Portland: click here. Don't say I never gave you anything wonderful.

I made hot dog buns today. They look amazingly terrible. I was scared of them at first but now I love them. How are you doing?



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