
Just Like Wuthering Heights

I don't know when Helena Bonham Carter got into our backyard and scattered seeds around, but I know it must have happened... See, I decided to plant a fall/winter vegetable garden. I actually decided before we moved, and I thought about it while we were driving down the dreamy Alcan. I want to plant leeks, spinach, beets, kale and other things that will handle our winter pretty well. I was daydreaming about making spanakopita (you're on the Internet; look it up) and Olive Garden's Zuppa Toscana with vegetables from our own back yard. I knew where I'd start: the 8 by 8 foot square I planted with flowers and herbs a couple of years ago. It's gotten weedy since - because I didn't maintain it or even plant it very well - and it's right by the back door. I'd just have to clear the bed and prepare it for my shiny new kitchen garden.

So we got here and we've been moving boxes around like ants in the rain, no time for gardens yet. But recently I actually got outside for a bit and started ripping up the garden area. You know what was growing there? Three foot tall thistles with inch long spikes all over the leaves, belladonna (deadly nightshade) and morning glory - sweet name and pretty flowers paler than the most ivory complexion, but morning glory is a vine that has roots that go down to China, and it creates a net that covers and chokes to death every plant within reach. I designated it the Goth Garden and started wondering if Tim Burton and his dear Helena would like to pull out deck chairs and sit under a black parasol to admire it.

I also thought I could probably pot up the little monstrosities and sell them on the streets in Portland. Would probably go like hotcakes until the Goth community realized they'd have to let light into their apartments if they wanted the plants to live. So I filled the yard recycle bin with it all instead.

With it cleared, my next step was to smother the garden area. Smothering sounds like the sort of thing Tim Burton probably approves of, at least in theory. Speaking of, are you ready for him to take us down the dark, twisty rabbit hole? I admit I am looking forward to Alice in Wonderland, though we have to wait until next spring for it. That's probably good. Maybe by then we will have jobs and can afford to go to the movies. :)

I covered the weed roots with a thick layer of cardboard, newspaper and old towels. I found free topsoil on The Great River of Stuff (Craigslist) and Rick and I moved it to the house in 5 gallon buckets in the back of the Subaru. Then we got a free load of wood chips from a tree trimming service, so my driveway is inundated and I've been moving those, mulching all over the place. It's about 10 yards of wood chips! And I'm still digging the rest of the garden. Ever toiling like an ant...

In honor of the demise of the Goth Garden, please feel free to watch this You Tube vid about the plight of those who loathe the Daystar: Goths of Summer

I'll write again soon.



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