
Facing up to Facebook

OK, I quit Facebook. I'm sorry if this bothers anyone, but my entirely personal and grown up opinion is that Facebook is yuck. I never could make heads or tails out of what was supposed to be happening there. And then I had this huge horrible guilty feeling every time I thought of it, like, "You should go to your stupid Facebook page and figure out how to be sociable. Your friends must be wondering what is wrong with you and why you never talk to them, you loser." This has not helped my stress level or my self esteem. So, forget it. I looked up how to make the account go away, made it go away, and now I do actually feel better. I'm not rejecting any of my friends, just that weird website.

It's fine with me if you like Facebook. I still like you and pretty much everything you stand for. It's just my particular quirk. I have lots of them. Here's a short list:
* I don't like shredded coconut baked into anything - it has the taste and texture of cereal box. I have to believe that it does not taste that way to normal humans, because nearly every cookie bar ever made has coconut stuck in it.
* I don't like movies about WWII.
* I'm not thrilled by SUVs, even though I own one - in the parking lot, they look to me like so many hippos lined up at the river's edge for a good wallow.
* Black and white Mary Jane shoes. Fine with me if other people wear them, but I had some once and ended up hiding them in the back of the closet until I outgrew them.
* Naked mole rats. Ewwww.
* I don't like standing there sucking it up on the Wii. Video games should be played as God intended, from a comfy chair. Please, for the love of heaven, just let me sit down.
* Don't get me started talking about Twitter - even more random and weird than Facebook, WAYYYYY beyond my comprehension.
I'm quite happy if you do like these things. It's not you, it's me.

What do I like? Lots of stuff, way more than what I don't like. Good dirt, for one thing. Know what my wonderful husband got me for my birthday? Five yards of topsoil for the garden. Isn't that romantic? (No? Oh, but yes!) I was so excited, and he knew I'd be excited and he kept the secret and teased me with the impending arrival of my gift and then there it was, a dump truck full of chocolaty brown goodness pulling up to our house. It had either rotted horse our cow manure in it, I'm not sure which. And then when Rick came home, he also had a big bag of coffee grounds from Starbucks to add to it. All for me! We spent my whole birthday weekend hauling wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow from the driveway to the backyard. :) I already have garlic and shallots and leeks and spinach and beets growing up in it, and clover all over the rest of it to do its magic with nitrogen and make the soil Even Better, and Rick made me a little fence around the whole expanded "farm" area. It is the most beautiful thing. I already have all sorts of plans for the spring.

What I really want now is a little plastic farm set: a barn, a cow, a little pink pig, so when people come over and I ask if they would like a tour of the farm, I won't look so ridiculous when it turns out to be a little vegetable plot in the backyard. That'll do it, right?


  1. Oh Cathy! I love all this! The romantic dirt -filled with manure and coffee grounds -and Starbucks1 Nothing but the best for your birthday! It is great when a man know his woman (and vice-versa) and doesn't just buy flowers or chocolate because they don't really spend enough time with you to know. It truly is romantic -the dirt that is! Tell him I say hello.

    I also love the mini farm in the garden. Can I steal your idea if I give you full credit?

    Truly hope you enjoy your couch time and that your ankle heals better than ever. That can happen!


    Susie Tracy

  2. Thank you, Susie! You can have the farm, with my blessing. :)
