
Couch Potato Salad

Except for periodic waves of nauseating pain (and I do admit, that is a negative) and not being able to move, it occurs to me that I am in an ideal situation. I am waited on hand and foot and completely excused from every adult responsibility. I can't cook, clean, do laundry, buy groceries, or scrub the toilet. When I drop something, someone else has to pick it up. All I have to do is try not to be cranky, and practice patience. I can nap, watch TV or movies or play video games - anytime! I can read uninterrupted. I never have to change out of sweats. I can craft to my heart's content (I have decided I will crochet a Broken Ankle Memorial Blanket. I already picked out a cool pattern). As we all do, I have the tubes of the internet to delight and inform me from all corners of the globe. Lap o' luxury, I'm telling you.

Wednesday at the civilized hour of 11:00 I will report to the orthopedic surgeon to have my ankle screwed back together. I'll have many incisions. The doctor will hand me back to Rick, slightly the worse for wear but with my foot properly attached, late in the afternoon. I am told that for me it will go like this: I will remember entering the doctor's office, and then I will find myself at home on the couch at night with my leg propped up, saying something along the lines of, "Wha' happen'?"

I am also told I won't be in pain because I'll have a cool techy "nerve block" attached to the back of my knee. It's this plastic thing that will inject some kind of novocaine into my leg for two or three days and numb me down to my toes. When it runs out, we just take it off and throw it away.

I appreciate the help we have been offered, very much. You are all wonderful. Thank you! :)

Since I won't be ambulatory for weeks and weeks, I attach this dancing video for our (marginal and slightly horrified) mutual entertainment: solid potato salad. Keep watching until they get past the vocal portion of their presentation and start doing the wacky circus things. If physical therapy is anything like that, count me out.

Just like an astronaut going around the back side of the moon, I'll see you on the flip side... (sample picture below)




  1. I am happy to wait on you hand and foot. Since both of my feet work.

  2. Nancy Muirhead10/14/09, 10:06 AM

    Oh my gosh!!! I am still in shock over that video! I think every fiber of my being hurts now... So tell me, are you going to be able to do those things after your foot gets facing the right direction?!

  3. Nancy Muirhead10/14/09, 10:07 AM

    P.S. I LOVE the quilt!

  4. Thanks, I love the quilt, too. And I NEVER want to be able to put my feet over my head. Ever.
