
An Important Decision

So, amazingly, I went home yesterday at 5:30 from a surgery performed at 2:00 pm. And I remember both pre- and post- op. I am very impressed with the precision of the anesthesiology team. By the way, has anyone else had surgery lately? What did you think of the little air blower that pumped warm air into the front of your surgical "gown"? Discuss.

Rick got to see my xray pictures. I had told the doctor to do a good job with me, and he said he'd do his best. Apparently he followed through: I have eleven screws in my ankle, and a titanium plate. To compensate, I say I should be allowed to take one pound off my scale weight from now on. The resident who assisted in the surgery came to see me after and said he was sure they couldn't fit another screw into my ankle. They buttoned me up good and tight.

I was sent home with a list of things I must watch for and things I must do. On that list was, "Do not make any important decisions for the next 48 hours." Come on.

Dana came and babysat me today, and did what all good babysitters do: she kept me company, helped me to the potty and made a nice lunch. She also fed me applesauce and rice crackers. We both napped. A good day. :)

I also had Nurse Chloe with me. She has several jobs: she makes sure I am comfortable, makes sure I stay still and watches the tube that runs from the nerve block box to my body. Of course, you need to understand the emphasis. She is not making sure **I** am comfortable; it is more like, "Am I comfortable, Chloe?" As you can see, she does an awesome job making sure I stay still. As for the shiny tube full of novocaine she watches, as long as it has no sharp teeth marks in it, we are all ok.

This lazing around stuff is not working out to be quite so easy as I'd dreamed. I am saddened to report the nerve block is wonderful but has limits: it only works for the right side of my leg. The left side of my leg, I am told, is served by a different nerve. I admit half a numb ankle is better than none of a numb ankle. But my leg keeps cramping from being stuck in the same position all the time, and my ankle swells and gives me lots of not fun sensations when I get up and then yells nasty things at me when I put it up again. I pant and grit my teeth and bear it for about ten minutes after every excursion off the couch. So I've made an important decision. I am never getting up off this couch again.



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